Sunday, January 1, 2012

Starting off the New Year with Art!

Here is my first "Artsy" creation for 2012

One of my 2012 "Art Goals" is to experiment more with mixed media. I want to learn new techniques, explore, and just have fun.
This year, I've decided that instead of wishing I could do more Artisy pieces I'm going to actually sit down and do them.

Awhile ago I purchased Collage Couture by Julie Nuttingg. I have to say this book is amazing!! Not only does she teach you how to draw the figures, eyes, mouths, etc..

The way she teaches you to draw the girls is simple and down to create a paper of 13 lines and just go grid to grid..then she has 9 different sets of eyes that are simple to create and also a very simple way to do the lips and hair. She shows you how to draw different poses..side views, etc.

The book includes lots of background techniques for you to try, different folds for different kinds of dresses, and lots of tips for cutting out the dress.....
She has step by step tutorials for 22 projects. Some examples are Newspaper Heiress, Vogue, Parisian is amazing..She includes a picture of the finished project, supplies needed, and detailed instructions for the background, the dolls, everything..yep I said 22 projects!! 22 different amazing girls on canvas, cards, etc!

I loved it so much that I've told most of my craft friends about it. I know that 2 of them have bought the book and they too are in love with it. So be sure to check it out. I purchased mine at can find it here:
Collage Couture by Julie Nutting

Anyway back to my art goals.. I know I'll have failures..and in a way my first "Art Creation" was kinda cheating. I traced the
(with the Authors permission of course!). Julie Netting is such a sweet person. She not only gave me permission, she also took the time to answer my email and told me that she learned to draw by tracing other drawings!!! Such a sweet sweet lady. Here is her blog

Warning! You'll spend hours looking at her creations!

I did paint the hair free hand..yep! first time ever!!!!!!!!!!!..isn't it funny that I can be so proud of such a small thing as hair?!!

My next Girl Canvas is going to be huge! I bought a 16x20...and now that I have my feet wet...and I feel a little more comfortable with what I'm doing..this going to be done by own drawing, designing, a Barbara orginal! so stay tuned :o)


Unknown said...

Hi there!
Just wanted to let you know that you were a winner on the Imaginisce blog (during out Hippity Hop Release Week). You won a Hippity Hop collection.
Please email ASAP with your mailing addresss so that they can send you your goodies.

Thanks so much!!

Barbara said...

Barb this is beautiful you know i did buy the book thanks for recomending it.and congrats on yoor

Anonymous said...

Hi Barb,

I just added your New you to my blog. Great work and now you have me interested.

Patti Grace