Monday, January 9, 2012

Journaling Goals - Journaling Cover

One of my goals this year is to keep a daily Journal. It will be a journal for personal growth (hopefully)! I plan to journal about feelings as well as use it to grow artistically.
My goal is to work in my journal 15 min. a day. So far I've kept to that goal. Well, if you count the making of the cover lol..I finally finished it today and I hope to look back at the end of my journal and see a lot of growth in my art.
Even though I love Art. I seem to struggle. I would love to take design classes but my budget will not allow it. So I have been watching Journaling videos, reading design articles and trying to learn color theory. This has been added to my 15 min a day art goals.
I am also taking part in a 365 Days in a Picture group at Flying Unicorn and plan to incorporate this into my journal. This 365 Days in a Picture group has really turned out to be the highlight of my day. Though as most of you know I love Flying Unicorn and I'm there almost everyday. I thought I knew the girls pretty well. Well it turns out, I didn't! I have learned so much about them in just the 9 days since this group started. I love this group!
I plan to enter my journal cover in the Mask"querade Challenge at Flying Unicorn. I used a Tattered Angels mask and stenciled it green, it's beside the "word of the day" grouping.
Here is my first ever Journal Cover!

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