Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lost my mojo

When Spring came I was super busy planting the veggie garden, the herb garden, and of course my flowers in the yard. After that was done I started creating again but found that whatever I created I hated..didn't finish..somehow during the break I lost my way. Now, I love turning on the music, going to my craft room and creating. But then I started dreading it..because I couldn't create a thing I liked! was my idea...why not go to the master's and copy them. I would be creating but I wouldn't keep failing. After all, if you see the project already's pretty simple right? So as you all know. I never ...EVER!!...copy someone's work without giving that person credit. I just do not believe that you should take credit for someone's creative ideal. So let me show you where I got my inspiration for my latest projects. First off was one of my idols Ronda Palazzari I love this woman! She doesn't have a Copyright law on her page..which always confuses me..what does it mean..does it mean you can't copy..or does it mean you can but you have to get credit? Confusing!! Anyway, Ronda does not do I was good to go. She's one of the most talented creators out there in the papercraft world. And..she give her secrets away freely! I always hit her blog the minute she posts something because I am never disappointed. I was in love with a graffiti style canvas she did. You can see it here! Here was her canvas:
Beautiful right? I just love it! I didn't have the stamp she used so I used one I had for the graffiti...I also changed the words. Here was my take
I love it and it is now proudly hanging in my craft room. Ronda has just published a new book. Art of Layers: Simple Techniques, Inventive Scrapbook Pages, Imaginative Papercrafts I plan to buy this. I looked at a few sample of Amazon and from what I can looks fantasic! I can't wait to get my hands on it!

1 comment:

Penny Walker said...

Love the canvas work thank you for sharing.