Friday, July 20, 2012

Book Review - Creative Foundations by Vicki Boutin

I am way behind in reviewing this book. So I thought no time better than the present.

This book is loaded with techniques and I do mean loaded! I think there are around 40 different techniques.

Vicki has a great way of instructing! She's down to earth..easy to follow and offers additional ways of using the techniques.

For anyone who is a beginner scrapper I would say this is the first book you should buy! Even an old scrapper (over 10 years) like me learned new things!

She guides you through every step of the way. And when I say guides you...I mean guides you..she has a project for each and every technique!

 She starts off by explaining about the technique and then tells you what you'll need. She includes step by step pictures and also adds little details or tells you how to achieve other looks using the same techniques. All the projects in her book have a materials list so you'll know exactly what she used to create them.

She has the book broken up into parts. Foundations, techniques, and layering. Then at the end of the book she has a whole chapter showing other well known paper crafter's projects and what techniques the used..

It is a very inspirational book and I would highly recommend it to everyone. New and old crafters!

And for you kindle lovers out there..They even have a kindle version!

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