Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Core'dinations Design Team Favorite Things - Win the Designer's Favorite Lines!

Core'dinations is hosting a Design Team Favorite Things Give-a-way!

Go to their blog for your chance to win!

Here is the details from their Blog:

From now until Christmas Eve we are showcasing our Design Team’s Favorite cardstock. Each designer picked a few of their favorite lines and created some gorgeous projects for you showcasing why they love it so much.

Then, on that day, just by commenting on that post, you have the chance to win! AND some days we might be showcasing more than one line … like today! ;)

Here is how it works:

1.) We post every day. The following day we pick a winner and then start over so keep coming back!

2.) You have all day and night to post. Yes, you heard me! You can win up until the next day when I pick a winner when I get up. We want our international fans to be able to win and they are normally sleeping now ;)

3.) Want additional chances to win? Comment on Facebook and share the excitement on your blogs! If you share on your blog, come back here and link us up. Remember, you can do it every day for more chances to win!

4.) Please note: we will not be shipping to winners until the January due to the Holidays.

Here is a link to the Core'dinations blog:

Here is a link to their facebook page:

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