Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What's on your work desk Wednesday

Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted on the blog since February! As soon as the warm weather hit I was super busy planting the summer flowers, planting the veggie garden and this year I even created my own herb garden. We aren't talking a few pots of herbs here...we're talking an actual herb garden! I have planted every herb I thought I'd ever use..hubby's finished our patio, and we remodeled our bedroom. I should take pictures and'd be amazed! Now that all the spring chores are done it's time to get back to my other passion. Crafting! I have so many projects I'm working I'm in crafting overload! I bought Suzi Blu's new book..Amazing! and yes, I'm still in the face obsession! lol..I was so inspired by her book that I am working on two projects for the art in our bedroom. And then my nephew just bought his first house so I'm making him a card.. Here is what's on my workdesk this wednesday! The girl is a practice canvas I want to do...I'm woking out all the kinks on bristol board before I actually do a Canvas, the journal page should end up being a mermaid we see..I'm having so much trouble drawing the I think it's going to take a lot of practice before she gets onto the page. The house is going to be a congrat's on your new home card..lot of projects going on this Wed!

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